The human brain weighs just 1.36 kg or 3 pounds in comparison with whole body weight yet it takes 20% of the energy and oxygen of the body. Thus, it's clear that the food we eat matters a lot. Before we go further let's know the ingredients of this powerhouse.
Composition of the human brain
The human brain is primarily composed of neurons, glial cells, neural stem cells, and blood vessels. Neurons are the smallest separable units of information processing in brains. These neurons are responsible for receiving sensory input from the external world, for sending motor commands to our muscles, and for transforming and relaying the electrical signals at every step in between. Glial cells outnumber the neurons and helping to clear the dead neurons.
Do you know our nerve cells (neurons) cannot divide? So how do the new cells get generated?
The neural stem cells in our central nervous system produce neurons by the process called neurogenesis.
But how can food interrupt this amazing machine?
A human brain starts forming just after 4 weeks of pregnancy. So what a woman eats during her pregnancy has a huge impact on her child's trait after birth. The repercussion of nutrition is huge on brain function.
Research had conveyed that mothers who eat more junk and processed food or sweet drinks or salty snacks during their pregnancy, their children were born with traits like aggression, anger, tension also showed few depressive traits like sadness, anxiety and few have nightmares.
But why this happens?
Do you know, 90% of the brain's grey matter is fat? This makes our brain fattiest organ of our body.
Our brain cannot produce this fat by itself. That's why we need omega-3 fatty acids as supplements in our diet. Usually, 90% of our diet doesn't contain any source of omega-3 fatty acids. If you observe, without omega-3 fatty acids brain doesn't function and develop normally.
Omega-3 fatty acids promote healthier brain cells, enhances the signal propagation from neurons faster. It also helps in building cell membrane throughout the body and brain.
Remember, your violent behaviour at times may be the result of an unbalanced diet.
Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids are flax seeds, chia seeds, almonds, walnuts, fish and fish oil.
Food for thoughts
Our food has major effects on our thoughts and decision making. A study by Dr SO Young Parle, University of Lubeck, says that a person who ate protein-rich breakfast was tolerant of unfair offers and on the other hand the person who consumed high carbohydrates for breakfast was less tolerant in face of unfair offers.
So whatever important meeting or event you are having, make sure you have a protein-rich breakfast. This will help your brain to be active and make the right decisions. This is because when protein is consumed an amino acid called tyrosine promotes the production of dopamine(the happy hormone) which keeps us energised and alert.
So, always have protein-rich breakfast. Few such breakfasts include oats and eggs.
Professor Margaret Morris, Sydney says constant consumption of sweet, sugary junk food could affect your memory. Research says high-fat diet people were less able to remember the things. This is due to the damage caused to the hippocampus. 4 days of junk dier will have an impact on the cognitive functions that are related to hippocampus. This increases inflammation in the brain.
If one overeats, certain microglial cells in the brain begin to devour neurons. Microglial cells eat dead neurons. When in unbalanced nutrition they eat live neurons. This destroys neural network.
Effects of sugar on the brain
Sugar is nothing but glucose, it has the ability to modify the activity of the brain area that controls our emotion. A research was conducted on mice and something strange was observed, I was blown away by this study.
An experiment that blew my mind
A mouse was given cocaine for weeks and then was kept in a box which has two openings, one with sugar and the other with cocaine. The mouse chose sugar 4 times. This proves sugar has more addictive potential than cocaine heroine. So, no wonder in one having a sweet tooth.
A study at the University of Oregan proves people who eat ice cream every day damages the reward circuit of the brain. It is responsive to sugar consumption.
John Cryan, University College, Cork, Ireland, says that the composition of our inner microbes (gut bacteria) depends on what we eat. Our food choices are influenced by our gut bacteria.
The researchers worldwide had suggested the Mediterranean diet as the ideal diet for the brain and body. It has all the nutrition and supplements required. According to Ayurveda, our diet should have at least 40% of raw food i.e fruits and vegetables uncooked.
Quick tip
Make sure you follow the 5-colour diet plan in a day that includes 5 different coloured fruits and vegetables.
Try to include 5 types of tastes in your diet every day i.e; sour, sweet, spicy, bitter, salty.
You are what you eat. Eat healthy foods to keep your brain and body healthy. You don't have to stop that bad food habit all of a sudden. Take one step at a time. Just try starting with eating an egg or a handful of soaked almonds a day. Slowly you will become conscious of your health.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are my personal opinions. I am not any certified nutritionist or dietician. I read books and research about a topic before I pen it down. Please contact your health advisor for any complications or implementations. This just gives you all the possible information regarding health.